Isaiah 4:1-6 Restoration of Israel

Restoration of Israel Is 4: 1-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

After three chapters of prophecy against Israel, the Lord now turns his attention to what is going to happen to Israel after the Second Coming of Jesus.  Chapter 4 only has six verses, so the Lord just covers a few areas of the restoration of Israel.

Israel’s population will increase – v.1 – in the Tribulation, Israel will be nearly decimated, Is 1:7-9; 3:25; 10:20-23 – the females will outnumber the males by 7:1 and they will be willing to provide for themselves just for the chance to marry – the expression “called by thy name” shows that she takes the name of her husband after marriage [Gen 5:2].

Israel will prosper – v.2 – the branch of the Lord is a reference to Israel – it was originally planted in Canaan after Israel left Egypt and wandered in the wilderness [Ps 80:8-18] – at first it flourished – but after time the branch was nearly destroyed – it will suffer terribly during the Tribulation but during the millennial reign of Jesus it will be beautiful and glorious – compare Rev 8:7 with Amos 9:11-15.

Israel will be holy – v.3 – Is 52:1, Oba 17 – that’s because they will be fully under the new covenant of Jer 31:31-34 – for the expression “written among the living” see Ps 87.

Their filth and blood will have been washed and purged – v.4 – this is the result of the new covenant that will be in full effect during the millennium – filth washed, see Is 3:24 – blood of Jerusalem, see Ezek 22:1-6, Joel 3:21 – spirit of judgment, see Deut 32:35-39 – spirit of burning, see Mal 3:2, 2 Thes 1:7-9, 2 Thes 2:8.

They will be protected by the Lord’s presence – v.5 – when the Lord’s presence was upon the tabernacle, this cloud and fire were evident [Ex 40:34-38; 13:21; 14:14, 19-20] – in Jerusalem, the Lord’s presence will be manifested by this cloud, smoke and flaming fire – they will be evident on “every dwelling place of Mount Zion” – see Zech 2:5.

They will have a tabernacle for protection – v.6 – this tabernacle will provide shade from the heat and a covering from the storm and rain [Rev 7:16-17; Is 25:4; Joel 2:23].