The Trinity (Part One)
1 John 5:7
There are many false teachings today concerning the Bible doctrine called the Trinity. There are even Baptist that say the trinity is not biblical, but that Baptist added it because of Catholic teaching. In these lessons we are not going to focus on the false teachings or try to refute them, instead we are going to look at what the word of God has to say about the subject of the Trinity.
The first thing that we must note is that the Trinity Exists. Let us look at some verses where we see the trinity being shown in scripture. We may not understand all there is to know about the trinity, but we can believe it to be true by the word of God. In the words of Woodbridge “He who will try to understand the Trinity fully will lose his mind. But he who will deny it will lose his Soul.”
1 John 5:7 ; John 14:7-26 ; 2 Corinthians 3:17
What is the Problem?
Where the trouble comes from is that people have a hard time with verses like Deuteronomy 6:4. This verse says that there is one God. People try to argue and say that if Jesus Christ was God, then that would make two Gods, and then this verse would be made void.
How do we solve this Problem?
As usual we must look to the word of God. Now in Romans 1:20 we see that the invisible things of God from the creation of the world can be understood by the things which he created, even his Godhead.
*The word Godhead is referring to the Trinity (see also Colossians 2:9).
The first example we will use is man. Man was made in the image of God (Gen 1:26) and therefore is a three part being (1 Thessalonians 5:23).
Man has a Body a Soul and a Spirit and these three can be separated (Hebrews 4:12) therefore they make three separate parts but one man. In God we see the same thing.
Body —— God the Son Soul——-God the Father Spirit—–God the Holy Spirit
Therefore, he has three separate parts but it still make up one being.
The second example we see is in Water. Water is made up of 3 elements, 2 molecules of hydrogen, and one molecule of oxygen. Water can also be found in 3 different states. It can be a Solid—Ice, it can be a liquid—-Water, and a Gas—-Steam.
Therefore, we have water, which is one thing, that can be found in 3 different forms, yet it is still water no matter which form it is in.
The third example is the sun. The sun has three different kinds of Rays. Light rays which are seen and not felt, these are a type of Jesus Christ. It has heat rays which can be felt but not seen, these are a type of the Holy Spirit. It also has rays that cannot be seen or felt like ultra-violet rays; these are a type of God the father.
It is apparent that if we will look at the things that are created, we will see the Godhead revealed to us by the creation itself just as Romans 1:20 says.
The Trinity (Part One) : Handout
1 John 5:7
1) List some of the passages which show us the trinity.
2) What is a problem from that people try to create using the scripture regarding the Trinity?
3) How can we see invisible things of God like the trinity according to Romans?
4) What is meant by the word “Godhead”?
5) What are some of the examples in nature that show us the Trinity?