What God Enlarges For Israel, Is 5:14

What God Enlarges For Israel Is 5: 14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Bible we find several references to the word “enlarge.”  A number of these references deal directly with Israel.  So, today we are going to see what God enlarges for Israel.  God enlarges: The judgment of Israel –...

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The Lords Sacrifice, Zeph 1:1-9

The Lord’s Sacrifice Zeph. 1:1-9  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This first lesson concerns the Lords sacrifice.  Zephaniah is a contemporary of Jeremiah for a period.  His prophecies are for Judah and Jerusalem.  Zephaniah’s prophecies are clearly fulfilled at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.  See Zeph 1:7; 1:14-15; 2:2; 3:5;...

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The Holy Spirit During the Tribulation, 2 Thes 2: 7

The Holy Spirit During the Tribulation 2 Thes. 2: 7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are a lot of people who have been taught that the Holy Spirit will be removed from the earth during the Tribulation. This teaching comes from a misunderstanding of 2 Thes 2:7, which says, “For the...

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Does the Church Go Through the Tribulation? Col 2:16-17

Does the Church Go Through the Tribulation Col. 2:16-17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There seems to be a lot of confusion about this question today, “Does the Church go through the Tribulation?”  The answer is, “No.”  The confusion stems from the failure to check all the doctrines that are affected if...

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Justification by Faith and Works, Jas 2:18-26

Justification by Faith and Works Jas 2:18-26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO If justification is by faith then what is justification by faith and works in James 2 about?  It’s about Tribulation saints. Christians often use James 2:18-26 to prove that you must do something to show that you are saved and...

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Be Not Troubled, Matt 24:6-8

The Christian life is not trouble free.  Even Jesus was troubled in Jn 11:33 when he saw Mary, Martha and others mourning over the death of Lazarus; in Jn 12:27 when he approached the hour of his death; and in Jn 13:21 when he announced that one of the disciples...

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The God of the Whole Earth, 1 Chr 16:28-33

The God of the Whole Earth 1 Chron.16:28-33 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The wonderful thing about the God of the Bible is that he is the God of the whole earth.  You may not realize that now, but you surely will when Jesus returns to rule the earth and to...

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Antichrists, 1 Jn 2:18-29

1 Jn 2:18-29 is about antichrists and how to identify them and how to protect against them.  There is not just one antichrist.  There are many antichrists, v.18.  Jesus said there would be, Matt 24:24.  John wrote, “It is the last time”, which includes Tribulation saints.  And he said that...

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Rightly Dividing: Divisions Lesson #3

Rightly Dividing (2 Timothy 2:15) Divisions Lesson #3 So far in this series we have studied four divisions found in the word of God. Innocence in the Garden, Before the Law, The Law, and The Church Age. This lesson will finish our series on the divisions by looking at The...

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