Getting Counsel (Part 2)

Getting Counsel (Part 2) Genesis 16:1-16 with Genesis 21:1-14 In the second part of this lesson, we are going to make an application of what we learned in the first part of this lesson regarding counsel. The main point we saw in the first part of this lesson was to...

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Sarah Typifies Mary, Gen 17:19

Sarah Typifies Mary We can learn much from studying the Old Testament characters and their similarities to people in the New Testament.  Sarah typifies Mary.  This should help someone reading the Bible to realize that the author of the Old Testament and the New Testament is the same person.  Men...

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Hagar Fled, Gen 16:4-10

This text from Gen 16 is about the time Hagar fled from Sarai. Have you been considering leaving?  Have you toyed with the idea that it is time for you to leave your husband?  It’s time for you to leave your job?  It’s time for you to leave your church?...

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Allegory of Sarah and Hagar Gal 4:21-31

Allegory of Sarah & Hagar Gal. 4:21-31 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Gal 4:21-31 is the allegory of Sarah and Hagar.  In this passage, Paul makes his third defense in this chapter showing why the Galatians should not be back under the law. He contrasts Sarah and Isaac with Hagar and Ishmael...

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