If You Are A Follower, Eph 5:1

If you are a follower you will be one of these.  A follower is one that follows the opinions or teachings of another.  One that imitates another.  Or one who subscribes to a feed especially on social media. To protect yourself as a follower, you first need to recognize that...

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His Son Jesus Christ, Rom 1:3-4

When Paul wrote to the Romans he spoke of the gospel of God “concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord”, Rom 1:3.  Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh. His Son Jesus Christ is: The Son of God – Rom 1:4.  Our God is a consuming fire.  If it...

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Favour, 1 Sam 2:26

Favour 1 Sam. 2:26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It is more important to have favour with God than it is to have favor with men.  God will give you favor with men [Gen 39:21; Ex 3:21].  Too much time is spent trying to gain favor with men.  That time would be...

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Perpetual Backsliding, Jer 8:5

Perpetual Backsliding Jer. 8:5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Perpetual backsliding is a phrase used to describe Judah’s condition during the ministry of Jeremiah.  This is a condition in which the country had gotten so far away from God there was no turning back to him.  The Lord said that they held...

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Do You Know God, Jer 9:23-24

Do You Know God Jer. 9:23-24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Lord doesn’t glory in man’s wisdom like men do, or in man’s might like men do, or in man’s riches like men do.  He said. What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose...

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We Cannot Sin, 1 Jn 3:1-10

1 John 3:1-10 is a passage that is often misunderstood because of v.9, “Whosever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remained in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God”.  If we can come to the correct understanding of this verse, the...

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Practical Righteousness, Prov 11:4

Practical Righteousness Prov.11:4  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When we get saved, we are given the righteousness of Jesus Christ for our righteousness.  Thus, we stand before God justified.  Furthermore, we can yield to the work of his righteousness in us and thereby come out from under the dominion of sin...

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What Can The Righteous Do, Ps 11:3

Ps 11:3, “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do”?   The question sounds hopeless.  If the foundation of anything is destroyed, the whole structure built upon it is coming down.  You get the sense that if the foundations are destroyed, you must give up; there is nothing...

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The Way of Righteousness, Prov 8:20

The Way of Righteousness Prov 8: 20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Prov 8, wisdom is personified.  She is a woman speaking of her great qualities, which are many.  In Prov 8:20, she says, “I lead in the way of righteousness.”  Then according to this verse, there is A WAY of...

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The Paths of Righteousness, Ps 23:3

Ps 25:4 says, “Shew me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths.”  So, the Lord has some paths that we can find in the Bible and these are the paths upon which you and I should walk through this life.  In prior broadcasts we have studied the paths of life and...

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