A Mutually Good Marriage, Eph 5:22-25

A Mutually Good Marriage Eph.5:22-25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A mutually good marriage places duties and responsibilities on husbands and wives.  We must each do our part.  And you should do your part regardless whether your spouse does his or hers.  We’ll address the husbands first.  Husbands provide for their wives:...

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God Our Father, Eph 1:2

In Eph 1:2, Paul wrote concerning God our Father.  Do you ever think about the implications of this phrase?  If you were raised in a religion, you probably haven’t given this a second thought.  You’ve just gotten used to saying God or Father. We when refer to God as God...

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Male and Female

Male and Female Gen.1:27 God created them male and female. [Matt.19:4], Jesus repeats these facts. By definition men and women are different. [Matt.19:5-6], but we were made to go together! So we should complement each other. What does woman need in a man? What does a man need in a...

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Be an Help Meet for Him

Be an Help Meet for Him Gen. 2: 18-22 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Be an Help Meet for Him Gen.2:18 God created the woman to be an “help meet for him”. Meet means, suited for, fit or matched. God set up the man to rule, and the woman to be his...

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Authority plus Submission equals Success Eph. 5

Authority plus Submission equals Success Eph. 5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Authority plus Submission equals Success (Ephesians 5:21-6:9 ; Luke 7:1-10) This lesson will deal primarily with the subjection of submission. When looking at the subject of authority in the especially in the home there must be submission to the authority...

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Effective Communication James 1:19

Effective Communication James 1:19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In relationships, like marriages, effective communication is vital to understanding and happiness.  To be effective you must: Listen – Jas 1:19 you are to be swift to hear, and slow to speak. You can’t hear if you are preparing your answer rather than...

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