How To Make A Change, Eph 4:22-24

Many people make resolutions at this time of year.  But frequently the resolutions only last a month or two.  Then you are back to your old ways.  This text shows you how to make a resolution stick, how to make a change that lasts. Put Off – the former conversation...

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All Things New, Rev 21:5

In Rev 21:5 the Lord says, “Behold, I make all things new”.  This statement is an interesting contrast to the study of Ecclesiastes, in which Solomon wrote, “there is no new thing under the sun”, Ecc 1:9. No new thing is in direct contrast to all things new.  In Rev...

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Transforming Your Mind, Phil 2:5

Your Mind Phil 2:5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The theme of this sermon is How To Transform Your Mind.  You transform your mind by following the points outlined in this sermon.  You must scripturally understand your mind to realize how vital it is that your mind change after you get saved...

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Glory in The Cross, Gal 6:14

Jesus went to the cross to pay for our sins.  Therefore, you can be saved because he died for you.  But if you want to really live, you must take up your cross, too, Lk 9:23. He’s not talking about taking up a cross as an emblem, like a crucifix...

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Preoccupied, 2 Cor 10:5

Preoccupied II Cor. 10:5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Your mind is preoccupied when a matter or a subject dominates or engrosses your mind to the exclusion of other thoughts.  It appears that many young Christians are preoccupied these days.  You can run a little two-part self-test to see if you are...

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Renew Your Mind, Rom 12:2

Rom 12:2 says, “.. be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind…”.  To renew is your mind is to make new, to transform, or to change your mind. Renew Your Mind You are transformed by the renewing of your mind, Rom 12:2. ...

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Put On The New Man, Col 3:10-15

When we put off the old man, we are to, simultaneously, put on the new man.  You don’t grow as a Christian by just removing the old man or by only denying yourself.  You must put on the new man.   According to Col 3:10, the new man “is renewed...

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Rely on God

Rely on God 2 Chron.13-16 Introduction: Read 13:1-3, summarize and 13:17-18 (First use of “relied”) “Relied” only in Bible 3 times. “Rely” only once! God has only one context for this word, Rely on God! Examples of Definition: Your car, depended totally on it to get here Children rely on...

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Put on the New, Eph 4:21-24

In Eph 4:22-24, we find one of the best passages on how to live the Christian life.  Before we were saved, we did everything “according to the deceitful lusts,” [Eph 4:22] of the old man.  After we get saved, we are suddenly supposed to do things differently.  And that can...

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The Helmet of Salvation, Eph 6:17

In Eph 6:11-18 we read about the whole armor of God.  In the next few weeks, we are going to study each piece of this armor.  Tonight we will study the helmet of salvation, Eph 6:17.   The whole armor of God is given to us to stand against the...

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