Our Church Body, Eph 4:11-16

When we studied Local Church in Bible College there was an emphasis on the differences between the Local Church and the Body of Christ. Most notably, I remember learning that the Church is an organism and the Local Church is an organization. I have since come to believe that the...

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Invite People To Church, 1 Cor 14:22-25

1 Cor 14:22-25 describes a church service where unbelievers are present.  Therefore, you should invite people to church. Generally, prophesying is for the edification of believers, v.22; 1 Cor 14:4-5.  What takes place in the service should edify the saints.  Tongues, v.22, are for them that believe not, predominately because...

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God’s Increase Acts 6:7

God’s Increase Acts 6: 7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Acts 6:7, “the word of God increased, the number of the disciples multiplied greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith.”  My questions are these.  Is God still expecting his word to increase?  Is God...

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God’s Way of Building His Temple 1 Chr 28:11-21

God’s Way of Building His Temple 1 Chr.28:11-21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Chr 28:11-21 we see God’s way of building his temple.  This passage is David’s communication to Solomon concerning building the temple in Jerusalem.  From this passage we learn three important things about how God builds his...

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Growth Requires Nourishment and Exercise 1 Pet 2:2

 Growth Requires Nourishment and Exercise 1 Peter 2 2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Normal growth requires proper nourishment and exercise. Physical growth is the result of proper nourishment and exercise – physical growth doesn’t happen automatically.  When a child is born, it is normal to expect that child to grow, as long...

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Invite Friends to Church John 1:35-42

Invite Friends to Church John 1:35-42 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You should invite friends, acquaintances, and contacts to come to church with you.  Do you wonder why you should invite them?  Well, here are some very good reasons you should invite your friends to church.  Inviting your friends to church: Fulfills...

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Rivers of Living Water John 7:37

Rivers of Living Water John 7:37 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Jn 7:38, Jesus said, He that believeth on me… out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.  He was speaking about the Holy Ghost.  Those of us who are here tonight have believed on the Lord Jesus...

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Growing Up In The Ministry Eph. 4:11-16

Growing Up In The Ministry Eph. 4:11-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Today’s message on growing up in the ministry encourages you to go from growing up in spiritual childhood to increasing in spiritual maturity.  When you get saved, you are a child.  We are called children of God and sons of...

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