No Room For Them in the Inn, Luke 2:7

No Room For Them in the Inn Luke 2:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

You have probably heard this text, there was no room for them in the inn, preached or taught many times around the Christmas season.  However, there is a thought in the verse that provides an excellent text for preaching.  The Savior of the world came and there was no room for him.  When you consider that statement, you find that the attitude of the world has always been to make sure that there is no room for Jesus.

  • Jesus is unconstitutional and yet the authority to even draft a constitution derives directly from him.
  • Jesus is not welcome in any government building or in any government supported institution like a public school and yet the authority to govern people is ordained of God.
  • Jesus is not welcome in the lives of the greater portion of mankind and yet he is the author of life; they wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for Jesus.
  • Jesus is not welcome to rule on any throne in the world and he is certainly not welcome as the King of the Jews and yet he is the King of kings and the Lord of lords.  How strange!!

But we can talk about “them” for the rest of the broadcast and “they” are not going to change, at least, not yet.  So, we’ll turn to you, instead, because you can and must do something about the fact that there is no room for Jesus in certain areas of your life.

There is no room for Jesus in your:

Budget – all of your other bills get paid first and if, by chance, there is anything left over and you can’t think of a better place to spend it then you’ll consider giving some of it to the Lord.  You need to make room for him in your budget.

Library – your dusty Bible may sit on the coffee table, but you aren’t reading it.  You need to make room for Jesus in your Bible reading.  Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God

Private thought life – when your mind drifts to the things you normally think about, it never drifts to thoughts about Jesus.  You need to make much more room in your thought life for him!!

Associations with certain friends – you would never, in a million years, bring up the subject of Jesus in the company some of your friends; you are too careful to manage those relationships around your relationship with Jesus.  Make room or change friends.

Church – your church is not about Jesus and what he wants to do there.  The programs and songs and events are all man-made.  There is no room for Jesus.  Take this test.  If Jesus were to pull out of your church completely, how much of what goes on there would continue just like it does today. Remember that he said, “…without me ye can do nothing.”

Marriage/Family – how many marriages are devoid of prayer and personal devotions.  The trouble is that there is no room for Jesus.  Perhaps that explains the trouble with the kids.  A marriage can be pictured as a triangle with Jesus at the top and each spouse in either corner.  As each spouse grows closer to Jesus they grow closer to each other.

Business – your business life and your other “Christian” life are two separate things.  You do things for the sake of your business that you know Jesus would not allow.  You manage your business so that Jesus has no room there.  Make room for him and your business will certainly change.

Conclusion: You get the gist of this message.  Examine your life and see what area in your life has no room for Jesus and change that so that he is welcome everywhere in your life!!