Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth: Divisions Lesson #2

Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth :

Divisions Lesson #2

In this lesson we are going to look at the first two major divisions in the word of God. Remember that we defined a division as a particular division of time in which God dealt with man a certain way in order for him to be right with God. The names we will use for each division are given by man but will help us in recognizing the difference between each division that is given in the scripture.

Division 1 : Innocence (Genesis 1:28Genesis 3:22)

In this division we will look at Adam and Eve in the garden from the time that they were created until they sinned and God removed them from the garden.

  • This division begins with the creation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. This division ends with Adam and Eve being kicked out of the Garden of Eden as a result of sin.
  • The reason that we call this division Innocence is because when Adam and Eve were created they were innocent they had no knowledge of good and evil.
  • Since and Adam and Eve were created perfect without sin the only thing they had to do was to not eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge and evil (Genesis 2: 16-17).
  • So the way in which God dealt with Adam and Eve in regards to their Salvation was simply works that is they had to not eat of the tree to keep their perfect status with God.
  • But as we see Adam and Eve failed through their sin and things changed. God institutes the sacrifice in Genesis 3:22 in order to cover their nakedness.  As we will see from this point on there will have to be a sacrifice of some kind as a result of sin.

Division 2 : Conscience  (Genesis 3:22Genesis 8:19)

In this division we will look at what happened as a result of Adam and Eve’s sin. How things changed in regards to being right with God. This division goes through Noah until he gets off the ark after the flood.

  • This division starts with Adam and Eve being kicked out of the Garden of Eden as a result of their sin, and ends with God destroying all of mankind except Noah and his family with a flood.
  • As a result of sin man now is under his conscience remember that the law was not introduced until Exodus 20. Even though man is under his conscience he is still required to sacrifice. Note Genesis 4:1-7 where Cain and Abel are sacrificing.
  • God tells Cain “if thou doest well shalt thou not be accepted”.
  • In this division a person is saved or kept right with God by faith and works. Note how Hebrews 11 records this for us in regards to Abel, Enoch, and Noah. (Hebrews 11:4,5,7), they had both faith and works.
  • Man degenerates into a wicked state whose thoughts and imaginations are on evil continually and God destroys him with the flood (Genesis 6:5-8).
  • But God spares Noah and his family. Usually in all the divisions they end with sin, but God always has a small remnant that does right and is spared.

In each division it can be stated that man is required to simply do what God says. The problem is that God says different things at different times. This is why you must study and learn to rightly divide the word of truth in order to avoid the false teaching that come from applying what God said someone at one time to another person at another time.


Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth :

Divisions Lesson #2 : Handout

1)  List the first two major division in the word of God and give details about each division.