Rest Matt 11:28-30 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO
Rest is essential. But often we find that Christians are restless. So, today we’ll give you some Biblical, and yet practical, ways to begin resting. Rest:
By taking the Lord’s yoke – Matt 11:28-30 – listen carefully to what the Lord said in these verses. If you will come out of your yoke and only take the Lord’s yoke, you will find rest for your soul. The reason so many Christians are restless is that they are trying to do all that they want to do, all that they “need” to do and all they “think” the Lord wants them to do at the same time. That’s too much. Be like Jesus and strive to always do those things that please him. He promised that he will give you rest.
By taking time off – Mk 6:31 – come apart before you come apart. You need to take some time each week to stop. In the Old Testament, Jews rested on the Sabbath [Lk 23:56]. Today, you ought to try resting on Sunday. Go to church, enjoy time in fellowship with your family and don’t do chores and house work. You will be rested. And remember that sometimes it isn’t possible to rest in our work [2 Cor 7:5]. On occasions like that, be sure to take some time off when the pressure lets up.
By being dead – Rom 6:11 – we say of a dead man, “may he rest in peace.” We are crucified with Christ. We are dead in Christ. If you will reckon the old man dead and quit running errands for your corpse, you will be amazed how rested you will feel. You won’t be wasting so much energy and you won’t be messing around with so much sin. Life is much less complicated when the old man is reckoned dead.
By not going to hell – Rev 14:11 – in Heb 3 and 4, Paul talks much about rest in the Promised Land, which is ultimately fulfilled in the millennial reign of Jesus. We can liken this to the rest that we will enjoy in heaven as the result of our salvation. But if you are not saved, you will not be resting in eternal hell.
Conclusion: get saved if you aren’t so that you can enjoy resting for eternity. If you are already saved, then take the Lord’s yoke upon you so that you can be rested in your labor. And take time off each week so that you can recover from your labor. Finally, reckon yourself dead so that you may rest in peace.