Authority and Power, Lk 4:33-44

While Jesus was in Capernaum, Lk 4:31, Jesus taught, preached, cast out devils, healed diseases, and prayed.  The people marveled at his authority and power, Lk 4:36. They said, “What a word is this! For with authority and power he commandeth the unclean spirits, and they come out”. Jesus taught...

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Religion is Damnable, Acts 10:2

Religion Is Damnable Acts 10: 2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Religion is damnable because: Religious People Aren’t Saved In Acts 10, we read the account of the conversion of Cornelius and his household to Christ.  In Acts 10:34-35, we find that Cornelius had been working righteousness. And yet the Lord did...

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Your Heart and the Word, Matt 13:19-23

Your Heart and the Word Matt 13:19-23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We know from Is 55:10-11 that the word of God does not return void.  And yet, we also know that the word is more fruitful in some hearts than it is in others.  So, today we are going to...

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Praying Together for Missionaries, 2 Cor 1:8-11

Praying Together For Missionaries God had to deliver Paul and Timothy out of the trouble that they faced in Asia.  It was so bad that they despaired of life.  But Paul credited, not only the Lord, but also the Corinthians for helping together by prayer for them.  Tonight we’re going...

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Little Faith or Great Faith? Matt 8:5-10

Is Your Faith Little or Great? Matt 8:5-10  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In an attempt to answer the question, “Do you have little or great faith” we need to check out the references in the Bible to people who had either one. People With Little Faith Are: Concerned with Mammon Matt 6:24-34...

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A Troubled Heart, Jn 14:1-4

Remedy For A Troubled Heart Jn. 14: 1-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Many people have troubled hearts.  Marital, financial, familial, occupational, political problems, and other things cause a troubled heart.  If you have a troubled heart today, then consider what Jesus said in Jn 14:1-4.  The remedy for a troubled heart...

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When Satan Attacks, 1 Pet 5:8

When Satan Attacks 1 Pet 5: 8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We know that the devil is a roaring lion… seeking whom he may devour [1 Pet 5:8].  He patiently waits for optimum times to attack.  Here are some of the more obvious times when you can expect the devil...

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The Word of God as Our Testimony

The Word of God as our Testimony  In this sermon we are going to look at the word of God as our testimony. As saved people we have been given the living words of the living God, the question is what are we doing with those words. The words of...

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Examples of a Good Testimony

Example of a Good Testimony 2 Thessalonians 1:7-12 There is a reference in the passage before us to the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and his judgment of that day. But note also that he will be glorified in his saints that that day. Paul says this is the...

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What is your Testimony

What is your Testimony? 1 Corinthians 1:6 Many would answer the above question with the events that led to their salvation. And while that would be the correct way to answer in regards to your personal testimony we are going to show something a little different in this lesson. Here...

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