No Restraint to the Lord, 1 Sam 14:6

1 Sam 14:6 No Restraint to the Lord CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

Jonathan encouraged his armor bearer to go with him to fight against a garrison of the Philistines by reminding him that there is no restraint to the Lord to save by many or by few.  So, the two of them could take on even up to 10,000 of the enemy [Deut 32:30].  His confidence was not only founded in his faith in God’s words but also in the Lord’s actions.  Notice these tremendous victories where there was no restraint to the Lord:

Gideon against the Midianites – Jud 7:4, 7 – 300 men under Gideon won against 135,000 Midianites [Jud 8:10] because of the Lord.

David against Goliath – 1 Sam 7:45-47 – Goliath the giant had armor and weapons; David had the Lord five little rocks.

Asa against the Ethiopians – 2 Chr 14:11 – 580,000 soldiers in Judah defeated 1,000,000 Ethiopian soldiers because of the Lord.

Jehoshaphat against Moab, Ammon and Seir – 2 Chr 20:12 – in this battle Judah didn’t even have to fight.

Jesus against sin, death, hell and the devil – 1 Cor 15:57 – Jesus defeated them all and now we have the victory.

The remnant of Israel against the armies of the world – Zech 14:1-5 – Israel will win because the Lord will fight for them when Jesus returns.

Conclusion: with those kinds of victories, you can be sure that God is just looking for a man [Ezek 22:30] or even a small church [Zech 4:10] to do a big work for him against his enemies because there is no restraint to the Lord!!