Christ Makes Intercession For Us
In Rom 8:31-34, Christ maketh intercession for us. Have ever wondered what Jesus is doing at the right hand of God? Right now, he is interceding for us. His intercession is mainly to keep us from being separated from his love. When men are against us, he is for us. In times of distress and persecution, for instance, it is easy to think that God has forgotten you. He hasn’t. Through Jesus’ intercession, you remember that nothing and no-one can separate you from the love of God.
Men in prisoner of war camps, for instance, have gained hope, strength, and encouragement through the intercessory prayers of Jesus. They have been used to encourage other prisoners and lead them to Jesus. A Chinese pastor, during the communist attempt to close all churches, was used to lead many political prisoners to Jesus Christ. A pilot during the Vietnam War, who became a prisoner of war, led many other prisoners to Jesus Christ. God had not left them. He used them mightily in their tribulation and distress.
The Spirit Makes Intercession For Us
In Rom 8:26-27, the Spirit maketh intercession for us. He prays with groaning which cannot be uttered. “He maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.” What a great comfort. When we don’t know what to pray for, he prays for us according to the will of God. How often have we prayed for people, not knowing exactly what to ask. Thankfully, the Spirit knows exactly what they need and what the will of God is. And so his intercession is most beneficial.
We Should Intercede For Each Other
In Rom 15:30-32, Paul asked the Romans to intercede for him. He had four specific prayer requests. And he needed them to pray. When you consider that Jesus and the Spirit are interceding for us right now, you realize the high priority of intercession. One of the greatest things you can do for others is pray for them. If you are among those in the prayer group who pray, you are doing a mighty work. If you are among those who pray on Wednesday night and throughout the week for each other and missionaries, you are doing great work.
One of the best things about interceding for others is that you are joining Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in their great work for us. However, if you are looking for recognition, you won’t find it in this work. No one else knows what you are doing when you pray. And for this reason, many fail to pray as much as they can or should. Interceding for others is one of the most powerful and effectual ministries there is in the body of Christ.