The Faith of Abraham

The Faith of Abraham CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

In Heb 11:8 we learn something about the faith of Abraham that is remarkably helpful to us when considering a possible call of God into the ministry.  We also learn from his faith not to be afraid of the unknown; as long as we know God and God knows what’s coming, that is enough.  Read with this text Gen 12:1-7 and Rom 4:1. 3. 11-17.

Notice the connection between faith and the call of God on your life:

You must walk in the faith of Abraham to hear the call – if you are not walking in faith you won’t hear the call – if you are not walking in faith you won’t know that he is calling you – if you are not walking in faith you won’t answer the call – you’ll be too afraid to answer – in truth you should fear God enough to be afraid NOT to answer the call.

You must walk in the faith of Abraham to obey the call – he was told to “go out” – most people are afraid to leave their comfortable and familiar surroundings – in faith, at times, you must leave your family and friends in order to obey God.

You must walk in the faith of Abraham to fulfill the call of God – he didn’t know where he was going but he went anyway – many people start to obey the call of God but they don’t finish – Paul finished his course and so did Jesus – the problem is not that they are afraid to answer and not that they are afraid to obey, they are afraid to “go” into the unknown – they want to know how everything is going to turn out before they go.

Conclusion: The only important thing is that God knows how it’s going to turn out; you just need to trust him – as the song goes, “I may not know what tomorrow holds, but I know who holds tomorrow.