The Grave Prov. 30:15

The Grave Prov. 30:15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

This sermon on the grave deals with several aspects of graves that we find in the Bible.   The grave:

Is never satisfied – Prov 30:15 – death keeps claiming its victims and the grave keeps receiving its corpses – since sin kills and all have sinned then there is no discharge in this war – we’re all heading to the grave unless the rapture happens before we die [1 Thes 4:16-17; Jn 11:25-26].

Is indiscriminate – it takes the good and the bad, the young and the old, men and women, boys and girls, infants and those who have not seen the light of day – it doesn’t care how you get there or where they lay you [in a military cemetery, in the sea or in an urn].

Is deceiving – graveyards are beautiful, adorned, manicured, organized, landscaped, etc. to disguise the horrors of death, the stench of decay and the decomposition of that which was once handsome and vigorous.

Is quiet – you can no longer praise the Lord from the grave [Is 38:18] – if you have something to say you’d better say it now or write it down – if you have someone to whom you need to witness, you’d better do it now.

Is marked – your headstone is marked with your name, your date of birth and your date of death [separated by a – ], that dash represents your life – it’s over pretty fast – if you have something to do, get to it [Ecc 9:10] – your grave may include an epitaph [like some famous ones quoted during the sermon] – what would your epitaph say?

Is sealed – you can still visit the sepulchers of some of the patriarchs – I don’t follow other religions for one main reason, their founders are all still in the grave – Jesus, on the other hand, is risen and there’s an empty grave to prove it – you’ll be in your grave till all are opened unless you trust Christ who will open yours early [1 Cor 15:50-55].

Is corporeal – that is it is only for the body – the spirit goes back to God who gave it – the soul either slips right into hell [Lk 16:19-31] or ascends immediately to be with the Lord [2 Cor 5:8] – that’s why, at the funeral of saved people, the preacher says, “he’s in a better place now.”

Conclusion: If you want to be in a better place when you die, you need to trust Jesus Christ who has already given us the victory over the grave!!